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I am learning the guitar chords of 'realize' by colbie caillat i read a chord that is Dsus4(onF#) i don't know what it is how do you do this chord in the guitar and i hope if it is possible if there's a pic of the pattern of it thanksJGuitar's handy chord search utility allows you to quickly draw chord diagrams for virtually any chord symbol Just enter one or more chord symbols separated by commas into the search box and hit "Go" and JGuitar will draw chord diagrams for each of the chord symbols enteredGsus4 Arpeggio Create your own Gsus4 ukulele chord pattern using the notes of the Gsus4 arpeggio / intervals on the fretboard
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D#sus4 = D#sus Sus4 (or just sus) stands for „suspended 4th" The 3rd of a major or a minor chord is suspended and replaced by a perfect 4th On the guitar you can easily get this chord by taking the chord shape of a major chord and moving the major 3rd (can occur more than once in a chord shape) up by just one fret (a halfstep)Piano Companion It is a flexible chord and scale dictionary with user libraries and a reverse mode Songtive is based on user feedback from Piano Companion and Chord Progression builderOther Chord & Scale Charts Piano Scales Guitar Chord Chart Ukulele Chord Chart Guitar Scales Flute Fingering Chart Recorder Fingering Trumpet Note Chart

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Below is a diagram of a Dsus4 guitar chord The D suspended fourth chord is a popular chord on guitar and every beginner should learn how to play this chord1:根音 3:三音 5:五音 7:七音 2:二音,九音 4:四音,十一音 6:六音,十三音 C 大三和弦:1 3 5 Cm 小三和弦 :1 b3 5 Caug 增三和弦:1 3 #5 Cdim 减三和弦 :1 b3 b5 Csus4 挂四和弦 :1 4 5 Csus2 挂二和弦:1 2 5 C5 五和弦:1 5 C6 六和弦:1 3 5 6 Cm6 小六和弦:1 b3 5 6 C7 大小七和弦:1 3 5 b7 Cm7 小七和弦:1Guitar Chords 11 guitar chord(s) found

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El acorde Dsus4 es el acorde de Re suspendido en cuartaEste acorde se obtiene sustituyendo la tercera mayor del acorde D o Re mayor por la cuarta justa En este artículo explicamos cómo tocar este acorde en el pianoEl siguiente teclado muestra las notas correspondientes a este acordeThe intervals in the D#sus4 chord are Root, Perfect Fourth, and Perfect Fifth Name variations for the D# Suspended Fourth chord D# Suspended Fourth D#sus4 The D#sus4 chord is made up of the notes D#, G#, and A#Dsus4 41 likes 1997 07 See more of Dsus4 on Facebook Log In

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